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Shoot Em Up [2007] BRRip
Video > Movies
1.59 GiB (1704412885 Bytes)
Spoken language(s):
action drama thriller
2010-06-01 16:14:01 GMT
neon VIP

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Shoot Em Up [2007] BRRip

Release Title:  2007 BRRip 
Release Date: 7 September 2007 (USA)
Release Length: 01:26:32

Late at night, in an unnamed U.S. city, a solitary man sits at a bus stop. A pregnant woman runs by, pursued by a man with a gun.With reluctance, the man at the bus stop rescues her and assists with the baby's delivery, while additional pursuers fire at them, including the gang's particularly nasty leader, an intuitive man named Hertz. Our hero, known only as Smith, determines to save the child and find out why Hertz wants the baby dead. At a local bordello, he tries to employ a lactating hooker to watch the child, but things quickly escalate, and this makeshift family is soon on the run. Heavy metal music calms the baby. Why? A laboratory, gun factory, and presidential campaign all figure in Smith's quest for the child's safe deliverance.

Clive Owen ... Smith
Paul Giamatti ... Hertz
Monica Bellucci ... Donna Quintano
Stephen McHattie ... Hammerson
Greg Bryk ... Lone Man
Daniel Pilon ... Senator Rutledge
Sidney Mende-Gibson ... Baby Oliver
Lucas Mende-Gibson ... Baby Oliver
Kaylyn Yellowlees ... Baby Oliver
Ramona Pringle ... Baby's Mother
Julian Richings ... Hertz's Driver
Tony Munch ... Man Who Rides Shotgun
Scott McCord ... Killer Shot in Behind
Wiley M. Pickett ... 1st Killer (as Wiley Pickett)
Stephen R. Hart ... Club Bouncer

 7.0/10 59,669 votes
Genre: Action | Adventure | Comedy | Crime | Thriller
Language: English
Awards: 2 nominations
Original Source: 1080p SZ (8.74 GB)
Total Size: 1.47 GB

Format: H.264/MPEG-4 AVC
Bit rate mode: Variable
Bit rate: 2115 kbit/s
Maximum Bit rate: 15.6 Mbit/s
Encoding: 2 Pass
Resolution: 1280 x 544
Quality Factor (Pixel*Frame): 0.127
Frame rate mode: Constant
Frame rate: 23.976 fps
Size: 1.28 GB
Display Aspect Ratio: 2.35 : 1

Type: mp4a: MPEG-4 AAC LC
Format version: Version 4
Frame rate mode: Adaptive
Bit rate: 316 kbit/s (6 ch) / 128 kbit/s (2 ch)
Maximum Bit rate: 415 kbit/s (6 ch) / 189 kbit/s (2 ch) 
Sample Rate: 48000Hz
Resolution: 16 bits
Channels: 6 channels: Front: L C R, Surround: L R, LFE / 2 channels: Dolby Pro Logic II L R
Size: 196 MB / 80.1 MB

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